Mountain Bike Equipment and Safety
Official Mont-Tremblant gives you more information on the summer activities in tremblant including mountain bike equipment and safety.
Using the appropriate mountain bike gear, clothing and equipment will help make your Mont Tremblant ride faster, safer and more comfortable. And most important, you will need to follow essential safety rules .Official Mont Tremblant is here to help you.
Mountain biking gear : The necessary equipment for cycling is the bike itself, shoes, a helmet, and proper clothing. Hydration is also key when it comes to cycling, so having a water bottle readily available is also crucial.
Official Mont Tremblant has prepared for you a shortlist of essential mountain bike gear that will help make your ride in Mont Tremblant a great ride. All gear is available at outdoor retailers or specialty bike shops.
1 – Mountain bike
The first piece of equipment you’ll need for any mountain bike training ride is a properly fitting and well-maintained mountain bike.
2 – Helmet
No one should ride without a helmet.
A bike helmet significantly reduces the severity of head injuries, especially during low-speed crashes.
3 – Eye protection
Eye protection for mountain biking helps keep trail dirt, dust, and debris out of your eyes as well as helping you see more clearly in both dark shadows and bright sunlight. If you don’t have a full-face helmet, you’ll want glasses or goggles to protect your eyes.
4 – Hydration Pack
Wearing a hydration pack when you ride gives you easy access to hands-free hydration. This is especially important for anyone exercising for more than two hours and with limited access to refills on the trail.
5 – Mountain Bike Shoes
Beginners can wear any comfortable sports shoe and use the bike pedal or cages to power the bike. As you advance or begin riding more frequently, you’ll want to make the switch to mountain biking-specific shoes.
6 – Clipless Pedals
Clipless pedals are best for most cross country trail riding. Cycling shoes and clipless pedal systems let you lock your shoes into the pedals for secure and efficient pedaling
7 – Mountain Bike Gloves
Mountain bikers tend to wear full finger gloves for the best coverage, protection, and grip on the brake levers.
8 – Padded Bike Shorts
Mountain bike shorts provide an inner padded liner worn like underwear that increases comfort and reduces chafing.
9 – Bicycle repair Kit
A simple repair kit that is attached to your bike saddle will hold all the essentials in case you have mechanical trouble or a flat tire on the trail.
10 – First Aid Kit
Not everyone rides with a first aid kit, but it’s smart to pack a few first aid essentials.
Safety and etiquette rules
The many miles of trails are maintained by a non-profit organization called Velo Mont-Tremblant. The organization is devoted to the upkeep and expansion of mountain bike trails and the endorsement of cycling in Tremblant.
Velo mont Tremblant reminds the riding safety and etiquette rules in Mont Tremblant for the biking community as follows :
- Only ride on and in open trails.
- Keep our trails clean; no littering.
- Keep control of your bike and respect your limits.
- Yield the way to pedestrians and those ahead of you. Be courteous to everyone.
- Come prepared: water, food, spare tube, pump, know the map, let someone know where you are going.
- Do not use trails on days of heavy rain or when ground is too wet. Riding a muddy trail can cause unnecessary trail widening and erosion.
- Do not do unauthorized trail work: Unauthorized or illegal trail work may lead to environmental damage or even trail closure.
- Always wear a helmet.